Creating a motto and a poem for the project

Today, after watching the logo's votations and some city presentations, we worked in pairs creating a slogann and poem for the projects regarding peace and tolerance. Some of there were very beautiful, here you have some examples:


Together we can create a peaceful and tolerant world

A peacefull world we will have if we get hand with hand

Helping us for a better world

Peace and tolerance make the world better


Peace, love our own country, our world, our environment
Love each other and peace will born on our hearts.

Pau , amor en el nostre propi país , en el món , en el nostre entorn,

Estima l’un s l’altre i la pau naixerà en els nostres cors.

School and city presentations

Besides the logo proposal, some others in the class are working on preparing some presentations about our school and our city, Barcelona, so that our colleagues get to know us better. Below you will find an example about our school and another one about our city:

Click here to view the prezi presentation: 

Project's logo proposals

It is time to agree a project's logo! In pairs, we used many softwares to create what we think it should be the ideal logo for the project, considering the topic and the countries involved. The rest of the schools are also doing the same and then we will vote them. Let's see which one is the winner!!