We are just about to start the new Etwinning project 2015/16, so get ready and turn on your engines.

This year's project is called... (click on it)

"Learning by Sharing in Virtual Cafes"

The project basically intends to raise students general knowledge and enhance their practical skills on various school subjects with a project based approach by unearthing their potentials and helping them empower their sense of entrepreneurship and creativity. We will form transnational project teams and give them a certain task each month so that they will try to carry out their part to complete the whole.In this project various ICT tools will be effectively and creatively used in the implementation of the activities and this will comprehensively help students pedagogically use ICT and develop their skills.Also, through the project they will find real atmosphere to practices their foreign language and know about the Europe and other countries in many ways.

This is our Etwinning certificate

You can visit a new website we have created in order to put together all the stuff we have done so far all 5 schools in one single place

Skype videoconference

11 May 2015, pupils from SAFA had a skype videoconference with Turkish pupils and they presented themselves, talked about favorite sports, hobbies, meals, etc.

Typical and strange sports from our country

Currently we are working in teams of 4 pupils on the topic "typical and strange sports" from our own country by taking advantage of the "keynotes" app from the IPAD.

European typical dances

Here we can find some traditional European dances performed by SAFA pupils.




Translating a song

Pupils translated a famous song from english to spanish and catalan.


I come home in the morning light
My mother says, "When you gonna live your life right?"
Oh, mother dear, we're not the fortunate ones
And girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls, just wanna have fun

The phone rings in the middle of the right
My father yells, "What you gonna do with your life?"
Oh, daddy dear, you know you're still number one
And girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls, just wanna have

That's all they really want, is some fun
When the working day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls just wanna have fun

Girls, they wanna
They wanna have fun
Girls, they wanna have

Some boys take a beautiful girl
And hide her away from the rest of the world
I wanna be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls just wanna have

That's all they really want, is some fun
When the working day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls, just wanna have fun

Girls, they wanna
They wanna have fun
Girls, they wanna have

They just wanna
They just want
They just wanna
They just want

That's all they really want, is some fun
When the working day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls, just wanna have fun

Girls, they wanna
They wanna have fun
Girls, they wanna have

When the working, when the working
When the working day done
Oh, when the working day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun

They wanna have fun
Girls, they wanna have fun
Girls, they wanna have
Girls, they wanna have fun

Regreso a casa con la  luz de la mañana.
Mi madre me dice "¿Cuándo vas a vivir tu vida bien?"
Oh, madre querida, no somos las afortunadas
Y las chicas, ellas quieren divertirse
Oh, las chicas sólo quieren divertirse

El teléfono suena a media noche
Mi padre grita "¿Qué vas a hacer con tu vida?"
Oh, papi, querido, sabes que aún eres el número uno
Pero las chicas, ellas quieren divertirse

Eso es lo que verdaderamente quieren
Algo de diversión
Cuando la jornada laboral termina
Oh, las chicas sólo quieren divertirse

Chicas, ellas sólo quieren
Ellas quieren divertirse
Chicas, ellas sólo quieren tener

Algunos chicos tienen una chica bonita
Y la esconden lejos del resto del mundo
Yo quiero ser la que camina por el Sol
OH, las chicas sólo quieren divertirse
Oh, las chicas sólo quieren

Eso es todo lo que realmente quieren
Algo de diversión
Cuando la jornada laboral termina
Oh, las chicas sólo quieren divertirse
Quieren divertirse
Quieren divertirse

Chicas, ellas sólo quieren
Ellas quieren divertirse
Chicas, ellas sólo quieren tener

Ellas solamente quieren
Ellas solamente quieren
Ellas solamente quieren
Ellas solamente quieren

Eso es todo lo que realmente quieren, algo de diversión
Cuando la jornada laboral termina
Oh, las chicas sólo quieren divertirse
Quieren divertirse
Quieren divertirse

Chicas, ellas sólo quieren
Ellas quieren divertirse
Chicas, ellas sólo quieren tener

Cuando el trabajo, cuando el trabajo
Cuando el trabajo laboral acaba
Oh, cuando el trabajo laboral acaba
Oh chicas, ellas sólo quieren divertirse

Ellas quieren tener diversión
Chicas, ellas quieren tener diversión
Chicas, ellas quieren tener
Chicas, ellas quieren tener diversión

Torno a casa amb la llum del matí
La meva mare diu "Quan vas a viure bé?"
Oh, mar estimada, no som les afortunades
Y les noies, elles volen divertir-se
Oh, les noies només volen divertir-se

El telèfon sona a mitja nit
El meu pare crida "Que vas a fer amb la teva vida?"
Oh, pare, estimat, saps que encara ets el primer
Però les noies, elles volen divertir-se

Allò és el que de veritat volen
Una mica de diversió
Quan la jornada laboral acaba
Oh, les noies només volen divertir-se

Noies, elles només volen
Elles volen divertir-se
Noies, elles només volen tenir

Alguns nois tenen una noia maca
I la amaguen lluny del món
Jo vull ser la que camina per el Sol
OH, les noies només volen divertir-se
Oh, les noies només volen

Allò és tot el que de veritat volen
Una mica de diversió
Quan la jornada laboral acaba
Oh, les noies només volen divertir-se
Volen divertir-se
Volen divertir-se

Noies, elles només volen
Elles volen divertir-se
Noies, elles només volen tenir

Elles només volen
Elles només volen
Elles només volen
Elles només volen

Allò és el que de veritat volen
Una mica de diversió
Quan la jornada laboral acaba
Volen divertir-se
Volen divertir-se

Noies, elles només volen
Elles volen divertir-se
Noies, elles només volen tenir

Quan el treball, quan el treball
Quan el treball laboral acaba
Oh, quan el treball laboral acaba
Oh noies, elles només volen divertir-se

Elles volen tenir diversió
Noies, elles volen tenir diversió
Noies, elles volen tenir
Noies, elles volen tenir diversió

Stories and dramas

Students are working on a transnational project called "stories and dramas" where they have to write a chapter about 12 different topics along with the other European schools. Each school writes a different part of those stories and we are done with them, we will put all together.

Language detectives


In the "language detective’s activity," students will try to find the words or phrases which passed from English to our own native languages and also they will try to catch the words which have passed from the languages of the partner countries. For instance: from English to Spanish or vice versa or from Turkish to Spanish or Greek or Polish or...etc.


This is a screen shot from the "Twinspace" webpage we are working on with the other European schools.